Tuesday, November 23, 2010

What's the Big Deal?

For the record, (and it is a record...2 blogs in a row without a photo) I have no issues with heightened security measures laid on by TSA.  I understand my politics and beliefs may be light years diametrically opposed to those of many of the young people I work with and certainly some of my more liberal photographer friends.  I hope this won't start too many arguments because I'm not going to change your minds and you aren't going to change mine so please, indulge me for a few minutes. 

Like most Americans I was sickened and outraged by the events of 9/11.  I believe to the core of my being that despite what some government officials say we are in a war.  A war on terrorism.  And I don't believe we are trying very hard to win the war which saddens me greatly.  I'm not yet at the point of "..Kill them all and let God sort it out."  But I do believe we are in peril every day of our lives and we need to be ever vigilant.  And that's the point of this discussion.

Many people are becoming indignant and outraged by the more thorough frisking recently implemented by TSA at Denver International Airport.  I haven't watched much national news lately but the stories on our local news channels are multiplying like rabbits.  Just this morning I watched a report on 9News in Denver and therein lies my issue. 

The story had the usual voiceover by one of the news reporters accompanied by footage of about 12 or 15 people suffering the "indignity" of being frisked by TSA agents.  I saw it first last night on the 10 o'clock news and again this morning on 9News at 5am.  Last night there was a disturbing thought tickling at the back of my mind and it was confirmed this morning when I saw the report for the second time.  Of the 12 or 15 people being frisked, EVERY SINGLE ONE was a middle aged or older Caucasian.  No young people, no people of color, all of them were older white men and women. 

Maybe it's because I'm an older overweight balding white guy and quite possibly I'm overreacting but I'm pretty sure that a 70 year old Grandmother from Middle America doesn't quite fit the terrorist demographic.  I'm fairly certain that Mrs. Butterworth isn't going to stuff a chunk of C4 or Semtex in her bra and take out a commuter flight to Billings.  I'm equally certain that a Wilford Brimley look-alike isn't going to mold plastic explosives into his sneakers and blow Griz off the tail of a Frontier flight.

With this in mind I'm left with a head full of questions.  I understand that reporters have certain artistic license in editing so was this purposely edited in a manner to inflame and outrage people like me?  Are they really frisking a valid cross section of the mass of humanity that will pass through DIA this week or was the news report really representative of the people they select "at random" to be more thoroughly screened?  I could go on and on but I think you get the point by now so let's cut to the chase.

Given the events of 9/11 followed by the shoe bomber and later the underwear bomber, followed by the SUV full of explosives in Times Square and many other terrorist plots, I'm stunned into disbelief by the hue and cry raised by people who object to being frisked.  To those people I would ask only 1 thing:  Consider the alternative.  Think back to images of the space shuttle that exploded and the video of the flaming wreckage falling back to earth.  When faced with that prospect I really have very little problem with the thought of someone brushing the back of his hand against my junk.  If that's what it takes to keep my flight from going out in a blaze of glory, show me where I need to stand and get gloved up.

And one more thing:  If you really seriously object to having your junk brushed and your cheeks squeezed, shut up and go through the full body scanner.  It's not going to kill you.  Less security just might.

Peace, Out.


  1. I asked my husband just tonight, "have you ever heard of a Caucasian being arrested for a terrorist act?" The only one we could come up with was Timothy McVay in Oklahoma. Still he didn't resemble the bathtub couple in a viagra ad. I heard a guy on TV today say "Let's just tell people as they go through the checkpoints that we have a special scanner (not really) that will cause you to explode if you are carrying anything foreign on your person...if they object, THAT'S the one we want to check further". Funny, yeah, but not a bad idea. I think the demographics are way out of whack. Does it slip into the dangerous territory of profiling? Yes, but isn't that honestly what it's really all about? I gotta get to bed!

  2. As someone who flies ALOT I have no problems with the scanners or pat downs. For me it is anything that makes it easier for me to get through the security checks. Personally i like the new scanners. Finally they have a piece of equipment that can actually do a decent job. I am the 1st person in the boat when it comes to protecting my civil liberties but i do not consider this a violation of any kind. Besides being able to get on a plane is not a constitutional right.
