Saturday, July 2, 2011

Suits me to a T(ie)

Have you ever had a vision?  No, I don't mean a peyote induced dream, I'm talking about where you're driving down the road or cleaning the garage or doing some other mundane activity and it hits you...the little man in your head starts screaming at you about something.  I had a vision this afternoon, one that took me back to one of the more stressful days in my life. 

It's been many years since my Dad passed away.  When we got the call it was a complete shock.  My Mom had been the one in poor health, the one that had been seeing doctors regularly so I figured she would be the first one to go.  So when the call came that Dad had passed it was pretty devastating.  I set about making preparations to attend the funeral.  Packed some clothes, tossed my only dark suit in a bag and caught a plane to Oklahoma City.  Fast forward to the day of the funeral...showered, shaved, time to put on my suit.  Keep in mind, it had been a couple of years since I'd worn this suit.  Well, the pants were a bit tight but after a minor struggle I was able to get the zipper up....and in doing so managed to rip the pants from waist to thigh.  I think I came as close to a total meltdown that morning as I ever have.  Fortunately there was a clothing store open in Holdenville and I was able to come up with a pair of slacks and a blazer that fit. 

But what about the vision?  Well, some of you may know that my daughter, Erin, is getting married in September.  9/10/11 to be specific.  I've been a bit concerned that I might have to wear a tux but after much gnashing of teeth Erin said I could wear my dark suit with an off white shirt and a tie that is purple, black, and silver.  Knowing it's been a couple of years since I last wore a suit (more on that later) I've been saying I need to try on the suit and see how much weight I need to lose to fit in it but haven't made it a priority...till today.  I don't know what triggered it but there I was, driving to meet Heather and Judy to look at some patio furniture when the vision hit me.  I saw in my mind's eye me standing there with a 12 inch rip in the front of my suit pants all those years ago and knew I needed to do this and do it NOW!  When I got home I went immediately to the closet and pulled the suit out to try on the pants and....(drum roll please)'s going to be fine.  Granted, it needs to be cleaned, but the pants while snug, are in no danger of ripping.  In fact, they fit pretty well.  If I manage to drop a few pounds between now and the wedding I'll be fine.  If not, I'll still be fine. 

But what about the tie?  I hate ties....if I could go the rest of my life without wearing a tie I would be okay with that.  But there are, in fact, 4 reasons that I will wear a tie.

1.  Someone is getting married.
2.  Someone is getting buried.
3.  A job interview.
4.  A beautiful woman (My wife or one of my daughters) asks me to.

9/10/11 someone is getting married and my beautiful daughter, Erin, has asked me to.  Done deal!

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