The challenge has been issued, the guantlet thrown down, and I've accepted the assignment. Earlier today I responded to Bret Edge's post about Wanderlust. You can read it for yourself at http://bretedge.wordpress.com/ . I posted that only about 20% of the images in my photo files are from my home state of Colorado and Bret issued an assignment for me to create some images from Colorado before the end of February. Well me being me, I accepted the challenge but altered the terms: Sometime in the next 10 days I'm tasked to create a marketable image within 20 minutes drive time of my house. To quote the immortal Foghorn Leghorn.."Nice boy but he ain't too smart." But accept the assignment I did so now all I have to do is decide where to go with my trusty cameras.
Hmmm....within 20 minutes of home.....I wonder. Will it be Castlewood Canyon? I've seen some nice images from there recently and I drive past it every day on my way to work. How bout the wildlife 10 minutes away in Ponderosa Hills subdivision. I once counted 10 fox dens in a 5 square block area. Maybe a hike up the frozen creek 2oo yards from the house. I know the dogs like going there. Or maybe the 100 or so Canada Geese that overnight in the park behind the house. Who knows? I guess you'll just have to keep checking the blog to find out.
Go Bill, go! I'm excited that you've accepted the challenge and I look forward to seeing your image(s). If they're half as good as the one in this post, you're gonna be very proud!